Gen 1.7 – Welcome Generation Two!

Eden was not a fan of pregnancy at all. During the first day she felt ok but as she rounded into her second trimester she began really feeling the misery of having to pee, sleep and eat constantly.

09-05-15_4-07 PM

“This is just miserable. Baby don’t you want to come out and give mommy a break?”

There was also the house. Travis and Eden had hired a contractor to begin the renovations but they wouldn’t be able to finish them all right away. Eden was worried that something would happen, like sim social services showing up because the house was so small or the renovations weren’t complete. It also didn’t help the general mood in the household that everything kept breaking.

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“This is the fourth time I’ve had to repair this tub this week!”

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Travis was worried for Eden, he had seen the stress etching into her face and knew the pregnancy and house were taking a toll. “They’re going to start working on the house today. Are you ok? Will you be ok?”
Eden sighed, “Yeah, of course I will be. I’ll just go work in the garden while they’re here.”
“Ok, but call me if you need anything, I can leave early if need be.”
Eden shook her head, “No, you’re so close to a promotion!”

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Travis put his hands on Eden’s belly. Eden could see his excitement for becoming a father in his eyes. They were both excited but also scared. Eden worried she couldn’t be as good of a parent as her own mother and father had been. Travis was more worried of being absent like his father had been. He didn’t want that for his family.

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Eden worked in the garden all day. Maybe it was the fresh air but she was feeling surprisingly good for being in her third trimester. The contractor had finished the first part of the renovation. The house still had nothing by drywall and concrete but it was at least bigger now and boasted enough room for two bedrooms and a bathroom. They also installed the purple cabinets Eden wanted, she couldn’t wait to get the flooring and paint done so that they wouldn’t look so out of place. While sitting there admiring the new space Eden felt a sudden surge of liquid.

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“Ewww, did I just pee on myself! I could’ve sworn I didn’t need to go!” Eden decided she needed a warm bubble bath but as she got into the tub she felt the sharp pains of labor.

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“Travis! I’m so happy you’re home! I think I’m in labor!” To Travis’s credit he didn’t even panic. He felt Eden’s stomach, he had no idea how it would comfort her but he hoped it would.

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“It’s ok, I’m right here so everything will be fine!”

09-05-15_5-02 PM

“Ahhhh!” Eden was trying to breathe through contractions but the pain was becoming overwhelming.

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Suddenly a baby boy was born!
“Aw, you’re so precious! We’ll call you Sebastian!”

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Travis swooped Sebastian into his arms. “Hi there little man! There is so much we’re going to show you!”

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